
Nietzsche-Haus, Sils Maria

The approximately 200-year-old house in the heart of Sils Maria, where the philosopher spent seven summers (1881 and 1883 to 1888), remained in private ownership for a long time after Friedrich Nietzsche's stay. It was not until 1959 that a group of supporters, who recognized the cultural and historical value of the house and wanted to make it accessible to a wider public, founded the "Stiftung Nietzsche-Haus in Sils Maria". The foundation bought the house, had it carefully renovated and opened a museum there in August 1960.
The concept of the foundation, which still runs the house today, is threefold: firstly, an extensive exhibition provides information about the life and work of the philosopher. On the other hand, the house is also a place to live, work and research. The foundation offers intellectually and culturally stimulating people the opportunity to live and study here, with the aim of promoting lively discussion among researchers. In addition, the foundation regularly organizes exhibitions of contemporary art with a regional and/or Nietzsche connection in the house.

splendur e sumbriva

Worlds of Light
In manuscripts by Friedrich Nietzsche and paintings by Engadin artists

Light is a lifelong theme of Friedrich Nietzsche. He sought it and feared it at the same time. His sensitivity to weather and light conditions determined his choice of locations. The longing for cloudlessness drove the headache-ridden philosopher. At the same time, the tireless wanderer remained dependent on shady paths because of his extremely light-sensitive eyes.

Nietzsche's philosophy also unfolds from the tension between the abundance of light and the play of shadows. Nietzsche's preferred landscapes correspond to the transitory character of his thought. These primarily include the pass landscape of the Upper Engadine. Here he perceives the light as an iridescent play of colors and reflections, here his thinking is translated into the most diverse images of LIGHT: A dialog with his own shadow, the marriage of day and night, - all the way to the solitude of the sun of someone surrounded by light.
In addition to a selection of Nietzsche texts on the subject, the exhibition features works by four artists closely associated with the valley: Jacques Guidon, Constant Könz, Gerhard Richter and Ursina Vinzens.

Sonderausstellung Lichtwelten, ©Stephan Schenk
Sonderausstellung Lichtwelten, ©Stephan Schenk


Guided tours

Guided tours in German take place every Wednesday during the summer and winter season from 11.30 am to 1.15 pm in lecture form (with numerous pictures) in the Sils Open Church.

Extra guided tours

Special guided tours for groups (in German, English, Italian) follow special modalities. Information by Mail or Tel.

"Nacht ist es; ach dass ich Licht sein muss"

Nietzsche workshop in Sils