
Dokumentationsbibliothek, St. Moritz

The Dokumentationsbibliothek documents the history, the present as well as the development of St. Moritz. It is the memory of the municipality of St. Moritz and a unique institution in Switzerland. The collection of the local cultural archive includes photographs, books, posters etc. from and about St. Moritz. The holdings can be explored via the online catalogs.

splendur e sumbriva

The sun of St. Moritz
A logo put in the spotlight

On the subject of "light and shadow", it is worth taking a look at the St. Moritz logo. The sun, as the epitome of light par excellence, together with the lettering becomes the emblem of St. Moritz and is used on posters, brochures and other printed matter.

In the 1930s, Walter Amstutz (spa director) and Walter Herdeg (in-house graphic designer) succeeded in establishing a condensed logo consisting of the sun and the lettering, which stood for the quality of the resort and attracted international attention.

In 1937, the St. Moritz Tourist and Spa Association registered the sun as a trademark with the Intellectual Property Office. This was the first tourist trademark to be protected by copyright. Decades later, in 1986, the protection was renewed, supplemented by the words "St. Moritz. Top of the World" and protected by copyright as a package.

Sonderausstellung Die Sonne von St. Moritz, ©Stephan Schenk
Sonderausstellung Die Sonne von St. Moritz, ©Stephan Schenk

Summer season opening hours

The documentation library is open all year round.
Exhibition Sun of St. Moritz: June 15 - October 18, 2024, Monday to Friday, 3 - 6.30 p.m.
Exhibition Shades of Cool / Sunglasses: December 2, 2024 to June 5, 2025 (Tuesday to Thursday, 3 to 6.30 pm)

Free admission